OpenBuildings GenerativeComponents Help

Node Techniques

Techniques are the specific methods that nodes use to create features or fulfil a task. Each node has multiple techniques that may have different requirement for completion.

For example, creating a point with the technique ByCartesianCoordinates is much different than creating a point with the technique OnPlane.

  • The ByCartesianCoordinates technique requires that you input
    • a CoordinateSystem,
    • XTranslation,
    • YTranslation, and
    • ZTranslation.
  • While OnPlane requires you input
    • a Plane,
    • XTranslation, and
    • YTranslation.

Illustration of techniques and inputs for a point node-type.

Clicking on the Input Port (the downward-facing arrow at the left) expands the list of inputs for current Technique. Unpinned inputs are the required inputs that are the requirements needed to successfully create a node.

Example of Required inputs listed for a Technique

Similarly, the Output Port (the downward-facing arrow at the right) expands the list of Common outputs, when unpinned shown on the node.